Results for "Fitness"

Advise Me
9 Things to Know About Exercise During Pregnancy
Should I be exercising while I’m pregnant? It’s a question that often comes up during the whirlwind of changes that come with expecting a baby.  Whether...
April 10
Teach Me
Bouncing Back From Shin Splints: Tips for Relief and Prevention
Do you find yourself skipping exercise lately because of aches in your shins? If you do, you’re not alone. Shin splints can be a real buzzkill for athletes,...
March 28
Better Me
Shake Off the Winter Slump: 12 Tips for Getting Back into Shape
As winter's frosty grip melts into the warmth of spring, many of us find ourselves trying to break free from the winter slump. But sometimes transitioning...
March 15
Advise Me
Maintaining Stability: A Guide to Balancing Exercises for Seniors
Balancing can seem effortless when you’re young. You might hop on one foot to pull on a pair of pants, walk downstairs without giving the handrail a second...
February 22
Teach Me
A Guide to Post-Sport Nutrition for Former Athletes
There comes a time in almost every competitive athlete’s life when they must step back from competition or retire altogether. Whether it’s an injury, aging,...
February 13
Teach Me
Rucking? What to Know About This Cardio Strength Workout
If you served in the military, the term “ruck” is nothing new to you. Also called hump or forced march, it’s about getting your gear from point A to point...
January 21
Better Me
Ten Ways to Treat and Relieve Pain of Bursitis
Have you ever experienced a nagging pain in your shoulders, hips, elbows or knees that won’t seem to quit? Chances are, you might be dealing with bursitis. Bursitis...
January 10
Better Me
Why and How You Should Be Strengthening Your Hands and Wrists
Have you ever struggled to open a jar of pickles? Is it tough to grip a heavy bag of groceries? Or do your wrists hurt after a long day at the computer,...
December 12
Advise Me
Little Ways to Take Care of Yourself This Holiday Season
The holiday season isn’t all twinkling lights and cheerful gatherings. Many people feel lots of stress and anxiety around the holidays due to changes in...
December 07
Teach Me
Chair Yoga: Gentle Exercises for Seniors with Limited Mobility
If you’re not as mobile as you used to be, you may think yoga isn’t for you. After all, in traditional yoga, you move between standing, sitting and lying...
November 17