Banner Health
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Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Services at Banner Estrella Medical Center

Excellence in Weight Loss Services

The Banner Estrella Weight Loss Center offers a variety of weight loss services for adults who are somewhat overweight to obese.

Our team, including doctors, nurse practitioners, dietitians, exercise physiologists and psychologists, will help you determine what kind of surgery would be best for you, as well as help you to:

  • Understand and deal with a changing self-image and emotional changes that frequently follow this type of surgery.
  • Learn what, when and how to eat.
  • Develop an exercise plan that you can live with.
  • Provide clinical support to you and assist in answering your questions and concerns.

Our goal is to help you lose weight and keep it off, that is why we also provide lifelong support for our patients through various support groups that patients are welcome to attend before and after surgery.

Weight Loss Surgical Options

The bariatric program at Banner Estrella Medical Center Phoenix addresses the medical, behavioral and nutritional needs of our patients. Our doctors evaluate each patient to provide the right care for long-lasting success.

We offer 4 surgical options:

Non-Surgical Weight Loss Options

Our Non-Surgical Weight Loss Program is an option for patients whose BMI is unhealthy but does not qualify them for bariatric surgery. Our team assesses each patient with a combination of:

  • Physical examinations
  • Body composition analysis
  • Metabolic/nutritional testing
  • Diagnostic testing

This program focuses on lifestyle changes for long-term success.

Back on Track Program

If you have had bariatric surgery in the past and are gaining weight back, we are here to help you get back on track! This unique program helps to implement the lifestyle changes necessary to get on your weight loss journey.

Learn more about our services at one of our informational seminars.