Banner Health
Making healthcare easier

Alzheimers Services at Banner - University Medical Center Tucson

If you are concerned about signs of memory loss – in yourself, your partner or parent – it’s time to talk to a doctor. A wide range of neurobehavioral disorders are evaluated and treated at Banner – University Medical Center’s Behavioral Neuroscience and Alzheimer’s Clinic and our Memory Disorders Clinic.

While dementia and Alzheimer's can’t be cured, early intervention is important. Some medications may be able to delay some of the worsening symptoms. In addition, our team can address and treat other conditions that may occur alongside dementia or Alzheimer's and make symptoms worse. By meeting with a doctor, you will receive a plan for coping with the disease that is customized to you or your loved one’s needs.

Academic Medicine Difference

The partnership between Banner Health and the University of Arizona brings clinical care delivery, education and research to the forefront of the patient experience.