Banner Health
Making healthcare easier

Sleep Apnea Diagnosis and Testing

Our dedicated sleep specialists can diagnose and treat your sleep apnea so you can get a good night’s rest. When it comes to testing, we know how uncomfortable it can be to fall asleep in a new place that may not be comfortable for you, which is why we offer at-home sleep testing options to diagnose sleep apnea. Our sleep medicine program offers sleep specialist physician consultations, in-lab sleep disorders testing and at-home sleep apnea testing.

Learn more about how Banner Health diagnoses sleep apnea and the testing options available to you to ensure a comfortable and easy sleep apnea testing process.

How is Sleep Apnea Diagnosed?

Your doctor may recommend sleep apnea testing to determine treatment options. These tests may be conducted in a sleep center as an overnight study or may be done at home. We’ll work with you to determine the testing that is most appropriate for you.

During your in-lab sleep test, your provider will monitor you while you sleep. The equipment records information about brain waves, breathing, heart rate and oxygen level, which allows doctors to track your sleep and use the information to identify potential disorders.

If you are taking the sleep test at home, you will be sent a machine to monitor your breathing patterns. The at-home machine may include a connection to your finger to measure oxygen saturation, a nasal cannula to measure airflow and a chest band to measure respiratory effort. These monitors provide a detailed look at your night’s rest and help our sleep medicine experts determine the best treatment options.

Your provider will walk you through the proper instructions for the at-home sleep equipment to ensure you receive an accurate result.

What Tests Are Used to Diagnose Sleep Apnea?

There are different types of sleep tests available. The test for sleep apnea is usually an overnight sleep study, either at your home or at one of our comfortable sleep centers.

Other common sleep tests available may include:

  • Maintenance of wakefulness testing
  • Multiple sleep latency testing
  • Sleep study with CPAP titration

Once you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, our specialists will work with you to create the best treatment plan for you. Learn more about our sleep apnea treatment options.

We know the journey to a sleep apnea diagnosis can feel overwhelming, which is why our sleep experts are dedicated to making your testing and diagnosis as seamless and comfortable as possible.

Talk to your doctor today if you think you may have sleep apnea. We can provide efficient and affordable testing options for you or your loved ones.