Banner Health
Making healthcare easier

Women and Pregnancy

Banner Health sleep specialists understand sleep issues that are unique to women. You may have trouble sleeping during your menstrual cycle, pregnancy or menopause due to the changes in hormone levels. Our expert sleep staff is here to treat these conditions as well as any other sleep disorders you may experience.

Common Menstrual Cycle Sleep Issues and Conditions

As hormones change during your menstrual cycle, you may experience symptoms like nausea or cramps. These symptoms may cause sleep disruptions before and during your menstrual cycle. While all women and menstrual cycles are different, you may also experience tiredness during the day, trouble falling asleep and lesser amount of deep sleep during this time of the month.

Common Sleep Disorders During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting time in your life that can sometimes be complicated by sleep conditions. Our sleep experts are here to keep you and your baby safe from sleep-related problems.

Snoring and Pregnancy

Throughout your pregnancy, swollen tissue and weight gain can cause you to snore and the blockage in breathing can even lead to sleep apnea. This can increase you and your baby’s risk for high blood pressure. Talk to your doctor if loud snoring or daytime sleepiness continues throughout your pregnancy.

Insomnia and Pregnancy

Insomnia can also occur during your pregnancy and is one of the more common sleep disorders that can develop, usually in the second and third trimester. During your first trimester, your progesterone levels are high, and as you continue into your second and third trimester, these levels lower along with other hormone change. Hunger may also increase at night.

Other common sleep disorders or interruptions during your pregnancy may include:

  • Body aches
  • Fetus movement
  • Heartburn
  • Leg cramps
  • Nausea
  • Sleep apnea

Sleep Disorders During Menopause

Menopause-related sleep disruptions are common. Hormone levels drop and cause hot flashes. This cycle will often affect your sleep and can continue for up to five years. Prescription medicine, natural treatments or naps can help your symptoms. However, naps should be avoided if you have a history of insomnia.

Learn more about menopause, including stages, symptoms and how menopause affects your body.

When it comes to menopause and trouble sleeping, first try at home remedies such as:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Avoid naps
  • Avoid extra caffeine
  • Maintain a consistent sleep schedule

If you are having trouble sleeping or experiencing any sleep conditions that may be related to pregnancy, menopause or your menstrual cycle, talk to your provider about your symptoms to determine the next best steps for you and your health. Our sleep medicine experts can create a care plan tailored to you and your need so you can sleep soundly.