Alcohol and Tobacco Education and Prevention

Tobacco Cessation

The Banner – University Family Care/ALTCS (B – UFC/ALTCS) Tobacco Cessation Program offers many products you can use instead of nicotine. This includes patches, lozenges and gum. There are also medications to help you quit tobacco. You can only try one product at a time. You can get a prescription for twelve (12) weeks every six (6) months. Talk to your provider to help decide which one is best for you.

Members can also call the Arizona Smokers’ Helpline (ASHLine). The ASHLine is sponsored by the Arizona Department of Health Services and Prevention Program (AZDHS-TEPP). The ASHLine is a no cost service to support you. It can also help you set a quit date. If you would like more information about quitting tobacco, please call the ASHLine at 800-556-6222. You can also visit their website at

These websites and phone numbers can also help you quit:

Freedom From Smoking - American Lung Association This is a program to help adult smokers quit. They also have a group clinic, an online program and a self-help book. You can also talk to a smoking cessation counselor by calling the Lung HelpLine at 800-586-4872 (LUNG-USA).

Learn more about Tobacco Cessation or call our Customer Care Center.

Alcohol Education

Alcohol can cause havoc on your health. Excessive drinking has shown to increase risk of:

  • heart disease
  • liver disease
  • depression
  • stroke
  • cancer

The US Department of Health and Human Services, recommends adult men should not drink more than 2 drinks in a day and women should not drink more than 1 drink a day. Woman should not drink if pregnant. Drinking less or not at all will decrease your risks of chronic diseases.

Take the Center for Disease Control (CDC) quiz to check your drinking and get individual advice on ways to drink less.

Learn more about alcohol’s impact on health.

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