Grievances & Appeals

If you have a concern with any part of your health care, healthcare providers or you would like to complain about Banner Medicare Advantage, please call our Customer Care Center. If you need assistance filing your complaint or an appeal a Customer Care Representative can assist you.

  • Banner Medicare Advantage Prime HMO
    844-549-1857, TTY users should dial 711. Our hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week.
  • Banner Medicare Advantage Plus PPO
    844-549-1859, TTY users should dial 711. Our hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week.
  • Banner Medicare Advantage Dual HMO D-SNP
    877-874-3930, TTY users should dial 711. Our hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week.

You may also submit an appeal or complaint in writing at the address below. 

Banner Medicare Advantage
Attn: Grievance & Appeals Department
5255 E Williams Circle, Ste 2050, Tucson, AZ 85711
Fax: 866-465-8340
Email: BUHPGrievances&[email protected]