What is Medigap?

Medigap is Medicare supplemental insurance sold by private companies.  

What Does Medigap Cover? 

Medigap helps pay for any out-of-pocket costs that aren’t covered by Original Medicare, such as: 

  • Deductibles 
  • Copayments 
  • Coinsurance 

Some Medigap plans cover other services, like emergency care outside of the US. 

Medigap plans only work with Original Medicare. You cannot enroll in a Medigap plan and a Medicare Advantage plan at the same time.  

How Much Does Medigap Cost? 

If you enroll in a Medigap plan, you will be responsible for paying your Original Medicare premium, and you will pay a monthly premium for the plan.  

There are ten Medigap plans to choose from. The benefits offered for each type of plan are always the same. However, the premium costs for each plan can vary because the companies that sell the plans each decide how much to charge.  

Learn more about the costs for Medigap. 

Additional Medigap Coverage Options 

If you enroll in Medigap, you can also enroll in: 

Or, you can consider another option: 

  • You can enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan that bundles Part A, Part B and Part D prescription drug coverage together into one plan. Some Medicare Advantage plans also include other health care benefits like hearing, vision and dental.  

Have Questions? Learn More from Banner Health.

Contact Banner Medicare so we can answer any questions you may have and even help you enroll.  

Call (888) 788-1931 (TTY 711) to speak with a licensed sales agent. 

  • October 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., 7 days a week 
  • April 1, 2023 – September 30, 2023: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday – Friday  

Use our online form to have a licensed sales agent contact you. 

With Banner Medicare, you get more than a health plan. You get a health partner.

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Have questions or need help enrolling?
Call (833) 516-1007 (TTY 711) to speak with a licensed sales agent.

October 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., 7 days a week
April 1, 2023 – September 30, 2023: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday – Friday