Loneliness can be a heartbreaker – literally. It has been shown for many years that lonely people have an increased risk of heart disease and even premature death (CDC, 2023). New research also suggests that loneliness may also be a factor for people to develop type 2 diabetes (NIH, 2023). But, loneliness can also motivate you to see yourself for who you really want to be.
As humans, we are social creatures. We are made to connect with each other and form friendships/relationships. Studies have even shown that those connections with others lead to healthier and longer lives. However, your relationship with yourself is the only one you are guaranteed to always have your entire life. How do you get to know yourself better, what is important to you, what are your dreams, your fears, or pains? How do you ever truly know how wonderfully you are made?
Many of us do not understand or allow ourselves to experience the positivity or growth that can come to be when we encourage finding the relationship with ourselves. When we allow ourselves to be alone, we allow the healing power of solitude, which is essential for self-care practice. Don’t run from the discomfort that you may feel when you are alone. Instead, welcome the important learning that is there to deepen that relationship with YOU!
Ignite Your Health is a virtual, no cost community of support for those with diabetes and their loved ones. We will be discussing loneliness on May 14th, 2024. To join or for more information, please call 480-684-8952.
CDC | Emotional Well-being and Heart Disease