We value the culture of the members and communities we serve. We understand that there are many different lifestyles and ethnic backgrounds. We know that your health is affected by your beliefs, culture, and values.
It is important to us that you maintain good health and good relationships with your healthcare providers. If you feel that there is an issue, please let us know. We will help you find a provider who will better understand your personal and cultural needs.
Printed materials in alternative formats can be sent to you at no cost. If you need any of our documents in another language, please call our Customer Care Center.
Let us know if you feel like you need the help of auxiliary aids and services. Auxiliary aids can include screen readers, audio recordings and materials in Braille or larger print. Aids can provide help with better communication. Auxiliary aids and services can be provided to you at no cost.
B – UFC/ACC offers language interpretive services and auxiliary aids and services to members at no cost. Please let us know if we have overlooked anything that is important to you. We will try to help, including setting up appointments with Sign Language services.
Interpretive Services
B – UFC/ACC offers language interpretive services at no cost to members. If you can’t speak to your provider because of a language barrier, please call our Customer Care Center. We can plan for a telephone interpreter to help you during your appointment.
Printed Materials in Alternative Formats
Printed materials in alternative formats can be sent to you at no cost. If you need any of our documents in another language, please call our Customer Care Center.
Let us know if you feel like you need the help of auxiliary aids and services. Auxiliary aids and services can be provided to you at no cost. Aids and services can include screen readers, audio recordings and materials in Braille or larger print.