Assurance Wireless
Health support via phone or text at no cost to you.
Behavioral Health
Members can get behavioral health services through B – UFC/ACC or through a contracted network provider.
Case and Disease Management
Learn about the benefits and services available for Case and Disease Management.
Dental Care
B – UFC/ACC provides dental care to members age 20 and younger.
Learn how B – UFC can help you make the most of your new benefit to save money on food and feel your best.
Grievances and Appeals
Information on how to file a grievance and/or appeal.
Health Equity
Learn more about how B – UFC/ACC Health Equity is dedicated to making sure everyone gets good healthcare and is treated fairly.
Maternal and Child Health Services
B – UFC/ACC offers services and resources to help navigate our maternity and pediatric members with their healthcare.
Nurse On Call
Save the Nurse On Call number in your phone for immediate access to a nurse.
Office of Individual and Family Affairs
OIFA promotes recovery, resiliency and wellness for individuals and families
Pharmacy Services
Pharmacy benefits including covered drugs, prior authorizations, e-prescriptions and mail-order.
Prior Authorizations
Covered services may require prior authorization.
Pyx Health
Learn more about the Pyx Health App here.
Time to Renew
AHCCCS resumed the normal renewal process on April 1, 2023.
Learn about your transportation benefits.
Wellness Incentive Program