Banner Health
Making healthcare easier

Health Risk Assessments

Explore our free and easy-to-use health risk assessments. Discover your risk for treatable conditions with just a few simple questions. Take control of your health today!

Choose Your Health Assessment
Joint HRA
Joint Pain

Nobody has time for joint pain or injury – and it certainly shouldn’t keep you from doing what you love. Assess your joint pain.

BH Icon Health Insurance
Heart Health

Lifestyle and genetic risk factors can estimate your heart disease risk. Take the Heart Age Test.

Arteries HRA
Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

Understand what PAD is, learn about your risk factors and get to know common PAD symptoms. Take the brief test

Stroke HRA
Stroke Risk

Evaluate your stroke risk and learn how you can identify potential factors in your overall health. Take our Stroke Risk Profiler.

Diabetes HRA

The key to preventing diabetes is knowing your risk. Take our free Type 2 diabetes assessment to understand your current level of risk.

Sleep HRA
Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea affects 12% of adults. Find out if you are at risk by taking our sleep apnea assessment.

Back and Neck Pain

While back and neck pain is common, it’s important to understand if your discomfort is temporary or something more serious. Assess your back and neck pain