Results for "cardiovascular"
Advise Me
9 Things to Know About Exercise During Pregnancy
Should I be exercising while I’m pregnant? It’s a question that often comes up during the whirlwind of changes that come with expecting a baby.  Whether...
April 10
Teach Me
What a Coronary Calcium Test Can Tell You About Your Heart Health
If you’re like most people, you want to keep your heart healthy. And even if you’re choosing a nutritious diet, exercising, managing stress and watching...
April 08
Advise Me
What Men Should Know About Nitric Oxide Supplements
Many men want to stay as healthy as they can, and they look for ways to keep their hearts strong, their energy levels high and their bodies performing...
March 08
Better Me
Understanding Lightheadedness: Could It Be Hypotension?
Maybe you stand up too quickly or you haven’t eaten in a while and suddenly you feel off balance or dizzy. You’re lightheaded. Sometimes, lightheadedness...
March 07
Teach Me
Maca Magic: Everything to Know About Maca Root
Maca root traces its roots (literally!) back thousands of years ago, but it has just recently gained some attention on social media, especially in health...
February 18
Teach Me
Understanding Metabolic Syndrome and Your Health
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to overlook the subtle signs our bodies send us. Feeling more tired lately, noticing a bit of extra...
February 15
Teach Me
How Cold Winter Weather Can Be Tough for Your Heart
When you’re cold, your body tries to stay warm. That’s why you shiver — contracting your muscles can create heat. But some of your body’s responses to...
November 29
Better Me
5 Medical Conditions That May Improve with Bariatric Surgery
Obesity is a global health problem, affecting one billion people worldwide.  If you’ve tried other weight loss methods without success, bariatric surgery might...
November 26
Teach Me
Chair Yoga: Gentle Exercises for Seniors with Limited Mobility
If you’re not as mobile as you used to be, you may think yoga isn’t for you. After all, in traditional yoga, you move between standing, sitting and lying...
November 17
Advise Me
How to Choose the Best Medication to Treat Your Cold or Flu
You feel the telltale flu or cold symptoms coming on — maybe it’s a cough, runny nose, sneezing and stuffy head. You want to choose the best medication...
October 25