Results for "Relationships"

Advise Me
Mastering the Art of Apology: A Guide to Saying Sorry the Right Way
We all make mistakes. It’s part of being human. Sometimes, the screw-up is small, like forgetting to take out the trash. Other times it’s a bit more serious,...
July 24
Teach Me
10 Signs of Resentment in Relationships and How to Heal
Have you ever felt a simmering frustration toward your partner but couldn’t quite put your finger on why? That strong negative feeling might be resentment. Resentment...
June 21
Advise Me
How You Can Support Your Partner Through Endometriosis
If your partner has endometriosis, it can be hard to watch them struggle with the symptoms and their effects. You want to help, but you may not be sure...
June 17
Advise Me
Alzheimer’s: How Couples Can Navigate Challenges After a Diagnosis
Whether you’re married or dating, together for months or decades, an Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis can rock your relationship. You’ve planned a future...
June 14
Better Me
What You Can Do When Dealing With Complicated Grief
When you suffer a loss, it’s natural to grieve. You may feel sad, angry or guilty and you may long for things to go back to the way they were. Grief often...
June 04
Teach Me
How to Help a Friend Who Is In an Abusive Relationship
Domestic abuse happens more often than you think, and it doesn’t always look like what you see on TV. Abuse is not always obvious, and it can be hard to...
May 22
Advise Me
Age-by-Age Guide on How to Talk to Your Children About Sexual Abuse
Sexual assault and sexual abuse are big problems that affect not only adults but children of all ages.  It’s shocking, but 1 in 9 girls and 1 in 53 boys...
March 29
Better Me
The Role of a Sponsor and Steps to Finding the Right One
Recovering from addiction is a journey filled with ups and downs, but it’s a journey worth taking. You may sometimes feel lost, overwhelmed and unsure...
March 17
Advise Me
8 Ways to Help Your Teen With Social Anxiety Face the World
Being a teenager comes with its fair share of changes and challenges. One that may go unnoticed is social anxiety disorder (SAD) or social phobia. While...
February 28
Teach Me
The Unexpected Ways Being in Love Can Be Good for Your Health
You probably know it feels good to have strong, healthy relationships with a partner and other loved ones. Love can be a powerful force in our lives. But...
February 11