Results for "Wellness"

Advise Me
Can Eating Fewer Calories Slow Down the Aging Process?
Have you ever wished for the fountain of youth? The quest to slow down aging has been a human obsession for centuries. From skincare products to diets,...
July 18
Advise Me
What Is Diet Culture and How to Rise Above It
Diet culture is everywhere. It’s on our social media feeds, in the ads we see and even in the advice we get from friends and family. Fad diets, quick fixes,...
July 16
Teach Me
Unlock Your Fitness Potential With Heart Rate Zone Training
Are you looking for a way to supercharge your workouts and achieve your fitness goals faster? Heart rate zone training might be the key you’ve been searching...
July 12
Advise Me
What’s Best for Your Fitness, Static Stretching or Dynamic Stretching?
You’ve probably had a physical education teacher, coach or trainer tell you that a stretching routine is important. But why, exactly? Is it really a big...
July 03
Teach Me
Don’t Fall for These 7 Healthy Cooking Myths
There are nutrition “facts” you’ve probably heard so often you think they must be true, such as fat is bad for you. So is salt. Veggies are healthiest...
July 03
Teach Me
Cold and Clammy? 10 Causes of Cold Sweats and How to Treat Them
You might think sweating is just your body’s way of cooling down after an intense workout or during a hot day. And you’re right, but there’s a whole other...
July 02
Teach Me
Mottled Skin (Livedo Reticularis): What to Do About Blotchy Skin
Have you ever glanced down at your arms and legs and noticed your skin playing a game of Connect the Dots, forming blotchy or even web-like patterns? You...
June 19
Better Me
10 Steps to Reduce Inflammation and Boost Your Immune Health
Have you ever wondered why some people never seem to get sick? While good genes may play a part, the real secret lies in how well they manage inflammation...
June 10
Teach Me
Vitamin D: Are You Getting Enough of This Sunshine Vitamin?
The sun is more than a glowing ball in the sky. Sure, it helps sustain life and regulate climate and seasons, but it also helps our bodies make vitamin...
June 09
Better Me
How to Prevent and Treat Painful Ingrown Hairs
When you shave, your razor cuts your hair at an angle and leaves a sharp edge. So that pointy little hair can work its way back into your skin. That’s...
June 06