Banner Health
Making healthcare easier

Sleep Study

We offer a variety of sleep study options, including at-home testing, so you can discover what’s preventing your night’s rest without the hassle. When it comes to diagnosing sleep disorders, our sleep medicine providers will work with you and your insurance company to create an efficient, affordable plan so you can sleep soundly.

Your sleep medicine experience will begin with a sleep evaluation followed by a consultation and finally a sleep study.

What to Expect During a Sleep Evaluation

A sleep evaluation is an appointment with one of our sleep specialists to help diagnose any sleep disorders or determine if further testing is needed.

Our sleep staff will help set up your first evaluation with a referral from your primary care doctor. We will provide you with all the information you need for your consultation and/or sleep study.

The evaluation will take place in the sleep specialist’s office or at one of our sleep centers. During this appointment, your sleep specialist will discuss and recommend any next steps and determine if you need a sleep study.

What Are the Different Sleep Studies or Tests?

The most common sleep test monitors and records data about your sleep patterns and your body during a full night’s sleep. Sleep latency (the amount of time it takes to fall asleep) and daytime wakefulness may also be included in testing. Multiple sleep latency tests can also be done with a series of daytime naps and monitoring brain activity and eye movement. Daytime wakefulness tests measure alertness or fatigue during the daytime hours.

Why Are Sleep Studies Conducted?

Sleep studies are performed as part of a sleep disorder diagnosis. Sleep disorders can be caused by different factors like neurological or breathing conditions so identification is imperative for treatment. Results from sleep studies can also help healthcare professionals to rule out other possible conditions.

How Does a Sleep Study Work?

Sleep studies can be performed at home with a portable diagnostic device or at medical sleep centers. Sleep studies can be done during the night or day, allowing it to be as close to your normal sleep time as possible to ensure an accurate test.

At-Home Testing

Many patients choose to be tested at home with a portable device for more convenience and comfort. Testing at home usually works by using facial and chest sensors and a simplified monitor. The most common at-home test is a sleep apnea test or CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) which measures breathing patterns, oxygen levels and breathing effort while worn. Because at-home tests offer limited information, if deeper data is needed a sleep center test may be recommended.

Learn more about the at-home and inpatient sleep medicine experience.

Sleep Center Testing

A sleep center test is a non-invasive overnight exam that provides doctors with comprehensive sleep pattern data that can help in the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders. These might be performed at a hospital or at a sleep center. Sensors are attached to multiple areas of the head, chest and extremities. During sleep, these sensors monitor the cycles and sleep cycles of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and nonREM or NREM sleep. These tests provide key data in diagnosis by providing a person’s eye movement, blood oxygen levels, heart and breathing rate and movements during sleep.

For our pediatric patients, we offer special child-friendly rooms that provide a soothing atmosphere to relax your child. The room can even accommodate an overnight stay with a caregiver.

Learn more about our pediatric sleep study program options here.

How Long is a Sleep Study?

A sleep study typically lasts 6-8 hours, depending on your sleep habits and routine. The study will coincide with the time you normally sleep and end when you wake up for work or daily activities.

Who Will Be Involved in My Care?

Our sleep medicine program has a collaborative team of sleep specialists. They will work with your primary care provider to diagnose and treat your sleep disorder.

Your team can include any of the following:

  • Sleep technologists
  • Sleep doctors
  • Specialty consultants

When it comes to catching z’s, the sleep specialists at Banner Health are here to help. Ask your provider or sleep specialists any questions you may have about the sleep study process. We’re ready to help you throughout your sleep medicine experience.

Preparing For Your Sleep Study

It is common for doctors to ask patients to avoid food or drinks containing alcohol or caffeine. Alcohol and caffeine can disrupt sleep patterns and skew sleep study results and can even make sleep disorders worse.

Napping in the afternoon before the test should also be avoided. Patients are asked to bathe or shower and avoid lotions, colognes and makeup before testing, as they can interfere with monitoring.