Better Me
Protecting Young Hearts: A Parent Guide to Hypertension
When you think of high blood pressure or hypertension, you probably picture older adults worrying about their heart health. However, did you know that...
Jul 26
Advise Me
Are Sprouted Potatoes Safe to Eat or Should You Toss Them Out?
Have you ever reached into your pantry to grab some potatoes, only to find the spuds sprouted little green and white eyes? Do you cut those tiny growths...
Jul 26
Teach Me
Why Panthenol Should Be in Your Daily Beauty Routine
When it comes to skincare and beauty products, there’s always a buzz about the latest and greatest ingredient. But one that always stands out is panthenol.  Panthenol...
Jul 25
Advise Me
Mastering the Art of Apology: A Guide to Saying Sorry the Right Way
We all make mistakes. It’s part of being human. Sometimes, the screw-up is small, like forgetting to take out the trash. Other times it’s a bit more serious,...
Jul 24
Teach Me
Do I Have a Cold or the Flu? How to Tell the Difference
You went to bed feeling a little run-down but chalked it up to a tough week at work. Then hours later, you wake up shivering, feverish, coughing, sneezing...
Jul 22
Better Me
Tips for Managing Your Asthma During Pregnancy
Congratulations on your pregnancy! As you go through this journey, taking extra care of yourself – especially your health – is important. Pregnancy brings...
Jul 22
Teach Me
Got Something in Your Eye? Here’s How to Remove It Safely
At some point, we’ve all gotten something stuck in our eyes. Whether it’s dust, an eyelash, a bug, soap or another object, it can be frustrating and sometimes...
Jul 19
Advise Me
Can Eating Fewer Calories Slow Down the Aging Process?
Have you ever wished for the fountain of youth? The quest to slow down aging has been a human obsession for centuries. From skincare products to diets,...
Jul 18
Teach Me
What to Do When Your Child Gets a Nosebleed
As a parent, few things can send your heart racing faster than seeing your child with a nosebleed. Whether in the middle of the night or during a fun day...
Jul 17
Advise Me
What Is Diet Culture and How to Rise Above It
Diet culture is everywhere. It’s on our social media feeds, in the ads we see and even in the advice we get from friends and family. Fad diets, quick fixes,...
Jul 16
Regan Olsson

Regan Olsson

Contributing Writer

Regan Olsson is a freelance writer and editor, who specializes in nonprofit, fundraising and healthcare-related content for both print and digital mediums. Regan has worked in both for-profit and nonprofit industries serving in various marketing communications roles. She has a master’s in health communications and enjoys researching and developing copy that enlightens and empowers others. The mother of two and a proud spouse of a Marine veteran, Regan enjoys traveling with her family, reading mystery novels and sipping margaritas on the beach.