Results for "Allergy and Immunology"

Teach Me
The Right Way to Clean and Care for Your CPAP Machine
If you have a sleep disorder like sleep apnea, you might treat it with a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. These machines use a motor,...
February 09
Advise Me
Anxious About Food Allergies? 6 Ways to Build Confidence
When you’re dealing with food allergies, paying close attention to everything you or your child eat — and even to what other people eat near you — can...
January 29
Teach Me
Mold Allergies at Home: How to Protect Your Health
If you find yourself sniffling, sneezing or coughing and you can’t figure out why, you may have mold allergies.  Mold is a type of fungus that can grow...
January 23
Teach Me
Want to Boost Your Immune System? Take These 6 Steps
You probably hear a lot about your immune system, but do you really know what it does and what you can do to make it stronger? Your immune system is your...
December 27
Teach Me
What Are Nightshades and Should I Avoid Them?
We’re often reminded of the many benefits of eating fruits and vegetables. But could some actually work against us?  Nightshades – like tomatoes, potatoes...
December 13
Teach Me
What You Should Know About Risankizumba (Skyrizi)
Conditions like psoriasis, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis can be tough to control, and their symptoms can make it hard for you to live your life...
December 09
Teach Me
Holiday Safety and Allergy Guide: Tips for a Happy, Healthy Season
For a lot of people, a big part of the holiday season is making your home feel festive. When you’re decorating, keep in mind a few risks that can come...
November 27
Better Me
Itchy Scalp? Common Causes and What You Can Do About It
An itchy scalp can be annoying, distracting and even embarrassing — especially when dandruff is falling from your head.  Your scalp might be itchy for...
November 26
Teach Me
Understanding Adalimumab (Humira): What You Need to Know
If you have an autoimmune or inflammatory condition like rheumatoid arthritis or Crohn’s disease, you know it can have a major impact on your life. Managing...
November 05
Teach Me
Dupilumab (Dupixent): What You Need to Know
If you have a chronic inflammatory condition like eczema, asthma or chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP), you know it can be challenging to...
October 07