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When Is It Safe To Announce A Pregnancy?

When you first find out you’re pregnant, it can be a time of excitement or surprise – or both! Among the swirling emotions and anticipations, one of the first questions parents may consider is when to share the news.

Announcing a pregnancy is a deeply personal choice - with no right or wrong answer. Learn what to consider when deciding how and when you will share your pregnancy news.

Share Now, or Wait? What to Consider

Allison Gorman, RN, with Banner Estrella Medical Center’s Labor & Delivery department, recommends you ask yourself these questions before announcing a pregnancy:

  • Have you told your birth partner and/or co-parent?
  • How close are you with your family?
  • What will the attitude be of those you are telling and how will their attitude affect you?
  • Was this a planned pregnancy?
  • How old are you?
  • Are you happy about the pregnancy?
  • Do you plan to keep the baby?
  • Did you share with family and friends that you were trying to conceive?
  • How far along is the pregnancy?
  • Are you comfortable with your relationship status?
  • Do you know who the father is?
  • Do you have morning sickness that is noticeable by others?
  • Have you stopped drinking alcohol or are you missing family or work events?

A pregnancy is a highly personal situation. Thinking about your responses to the questions above may help you decide whether you’re ready to share the news or wait.

Choosing to Wait

Some women may choose to wait until after the first trimester to share the news with others as miscarriage (loss of pregnancy) is most common in the first trimester. Gorman recommends you ask yourself “If I suffer a loss, do I want people to know?” before announcing your pregnancy. This allows you to choose how you would like to handle the situation and decide if you would like the support of friends and family.

So, to tell, or not to tell? It boils down to your personal preferences. Every parent has their own right to share the news when they feel safe and ready.

Do you want to meet with a physician before announcing your pregnancy? Find a doctor near you at

Trisha Horstman, RN, with Banner Estrella Medical Center’s Labor & Delivery department, contributed to this article.

Women's Health Pregnancy Parenting